Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History
Judy Carroll offers a unique perspective on the eons of ET contact and the ancient origins of fake news. This ground-breaking book puts into perspective the conflict between light and dark that goes on right now, providing confidence and hope when humans so desperately need it. Judy is a blended soul whose conscious awareness spans two planetary connections ― Earth human and Zeta Grey. Her mission, along with other blended souls now incarnated as Earth humans, is to be an inter-planetary ambassador, showing us a deeper understanding of our history, and helping us to heal our future as a planetary civilization. Four billion years ago, off-planet Elders came here to blend their DNA with primitive life forms to enhance human evolution, leading to the development of several Earth-human species and reptoid/human hybrids, and a mammalian/human species that followed. In a must-read part of the book, she also exposes the covert agenda of disinformation and fear set up by Repterran Controllers.